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Ama International Volunteers


Conviértete en voluntario  

Agradecemos su interés en ser voluntario con nosotros; Ama valora mucho el trabajo y la misión de los voluntarios para dar vida a un cambio positivo para la comunidad de Zapopan, México.


Complete el siguiente formulario de voluntario y nos comunicaremos con usted lo antes posible. ¡Gracias!

Nunca compartimos ni vendemos ninguno de sus datos personales.



As a volunteer for Ama International, I agree to abide by the organization's policies and procedures. I understand that my volunteer activities will be undertaken at my own risk, and that the organization, its staff, and affiliates cannot be held responsible for any liability, accidents, injuries, or health problems that may arise from the volunteer work I perform. I acknowledge that all work I do for the organization is on a voluntary basis.

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Thank you for your commitment to volunteering with Ama International. Your understanding and compliance with our policies and procedures are greatly appreciated.

¡Gracias por enviarnos!

Ama International
Ama International
Ama International
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